Saturday, July 26, 2008

Test Paste

I'm going to try pasting again. I've tried it twice so far; the first time I failed to make it work at all, and the second time it worked but it looked funny. Here goes:


From David Dark's The Gospel According to America

"We might ask ourselves what we're trying to avoid thinking about when we reflexively say or think, 'That's just your interpretation'; 'This is only your opinion'; or 'Timothy McVeigh/Osama Bin Laden/Saddam Hussein is absolute evil.' What is it that we find reassuring in the assertion that terrorists think only about evil, 'flat evil,' and nothing else at any time? Who are we trying to convince? Simply thinking twice and looking hard for what our categories and knee-jerk responses conceal can become an especially effective form of exorcism. A twenty-four-hour fast from using the words 'liberal,' 'conservative,' 'political,' and 'religious' might open whole new worlds."


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